How to Keep Ants out Of Fruit Trees? [7 Easy Methods]

How to Keep Ants out Of Fruit Trees
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Ants, known for their amazing tenacity, are fierce enemies, particularly when it comes to defending your priceless fruit plants. Their tenaciousness and flexibility turn them from regular annoyances to dangerous enemies that can compromise the well-being and yield of your prized fruit plants. Anyone who has struggled with these little but persistent intruders is aware of the enormous problem they pose.

Reasons Of Ants Attraction To Fruit Trees

Let’s first examine the reasons for ants’ initial attraction to fruit trees before moving on to the remedies. Aphids are a widespread pest on fruit trees, and they create a pleasant nectar that attracts ants.

Ants have a strange kind of interaction whereby the ants feed on the honeydew that the aphids generate in exchange for the ants protecting the aphids. 

Different Ways To Keep Ants Out Of Fruit Trees

Having established the underlying problem, let’s move on to workable and efficient strategies for deterring ants from visiting your fruit trees.

1. Use diatomaceous earth to create a protective barrier

An excellent natural remedy that works as an ant barrier is diatomaceous earth (DE). Spread DE in a protective circle around the base of your fruit plants.

While this fine powder poses no threat to people or animals, it serves as a lethal barrier for ants. The DE takes in the oils and fats from their exoskeleton as they move through it, finally leading to their demise. It’s like a tiny, natural fortress for your fruit trees.

2. Employ a Defense of Sticky Tape

Envision constructing a trap that is insurmountable to ants. Insect barrier tape, commonly referred to as sticky tape, accomplishes this. Ants will find it extremely difficult to get through the physical barrier you’ve created by wrapping it around the trunks of your fruit plants.

This technique works as a great early warning system in addition to keeping ants from getting to the branches. It’s important to intervene before things get worse if you notice a sizable number of ants adhered to the tape.

3. Utilize Citrus Peels’ Power

In addition to being a delicious snack, citrus peels have inherent ant-repellent qualities. Sprinkle chopped or grated citrus peels at the base of your fruit plants. 

Ants are repelled by the powerful smell and flee in the other direction. In addition, it’s a sustainable method of repurposing kitchen leftovers and keeping ants away from your fruit plants.

4. Use Cinnamon to Naturally Repellent Ants

Not only does cinnamon enhance the taste of your morning brew, but it also works as an effective ant deterrent. Make a barrier of ground cinnamon around the trunk of your fruit trees, or sprinkle it around the base of the trees.

Cinnamon is an easy culinary spice that may be a powerful ally in your fight to keep ants away from your fruit crop. Ants hate the fragrance of cinnamon.

How to Keep Ants out Of Fruit Trees

5. Preserve Tree Hygiene

Maintaining excellent hygiene is essential, just like any other solid defense strategy. Keep your fruit trees’ surroundings tidy and fruit-fall-free.

Because ants are opportunistic scavengers, your trees will become less attractive to them if you remove possible food sources. To throw off the ants’ feeding schedule, clear away fallen fruit, leaves, and other debris on a regular basis.

6. Use Plants That Repel Ants as Allies

Nature maintains equilibrium in its own unique way. You may construct a barrier around your fruit trees by planting flowers and plants that repel ants. Ant-repellent qualities are well-known for mint, tansy, and pennyroyal. These plants provide potent smells that confuse and repel ants, keeping them away from your priceless fruit trees.

7. Describe Helpful Hunters

When it comes to gardening, sometimes a strong offensive is the best defense. Bring in ant-predators from nature, such parasitic wasps or nematodes, to your garden. 

These microscopic fighters operate in the background, feeding on ant nests to control their population growth. It’s a biological strategy that complements the natural equilibrium established by nature.


What damage do ants cause to fruit trees?

Aphids, a widespread pest on fruit plants, emit a pleasant honeydew that attracts ants. Because they harbor these destructive insects, ants indirectly damage trees by defending aphids. Furthermore, their presence may harm the tree as a whole and lower the quality of the fruit.

Can my fruit plants safely use diatomaceous earth?

Definitely! Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a naturally occurring, non-toxic material that is safe for people, animals, and fruit plants. By absorbing the oils from their exoskeleton and efficiently keeping ants at bay, it serves as a barrier of defense against them.

How often is it OK to use cinnamon to ward off ants?

Reapply ground cinnamon around the base of your fruit trees every few weeks or after a rainfall for best benefits. Ants are repulsed by the aroma, which lasts for a while before fading with the seasons.

Can I use peels from any citrus fruit for citrus recipes?

Peels from any citrus fruit, including oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, are definitely suitable for usage. The powerful citrus aroma repels ants. For an efficient natural deterrent, just slice or shred the peels and scatter them around the base of your fruit trees.

Can adhesive tapes cause damage to trees?

No, sticky tapes or insect barrier tapes are made to be safe for TREES. Without endangering the tree, they erect a physical barrier that keeps ants from scaling the trunk. These tapes work well and are a non-intrusive technique to deter ants.


Fruit trees need to be protected against ants using a variety of tactics, each of which has a distinct function in your fight against these tenacious pests. There are several methods at your disposal, ranging from natural barriers like adhesive tape and diatomaceous earth to the fragrant power of citrus peels and cinnamon.

Recall that it is essential to keep the ecosystem of your garden healthy and balanced. By putting these tips into practice, you’re not only keeping ants at bay but also creating a healthy atmosphere that will allow your fruit trees to grow.

So arm yourself with these natural defenses and enjoy a pest-free, bountiful life for your fruit trees.

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